Saturday, January 30, 2010

ADS 4044 & ADR 7468 - Twin trouble

I seriously doubt that no Malaysian driver has seen this trick before.

ADS 4044 & ADR 7468 - Motorcyclists parading their stunts yet again. 4044, I know you're trying to help your friend to get to his destination. But rules are rules, and in the case of road laws it is not meant to be broken.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

BET 1 - the obnoxious black Mercedes-Benz

Another case of tail-gating observed (and suffered on my part).

License plate number: BET 1 - the obnoxious black Mercedes-Benz (I believe was the E-Class). Again, I was subjected to this abuse at Federal Highway even when I was driving at 100kph on the right lane. Mr. Rich Guy decided to add some flavour to his torment by flashing his headlights furiously.

Of course, I will take my time in moving aside, knowing that I am following the speed limit and he is clearly violating it. Eventually, I took the middle lane to let Mr. Rich Guy pass.

Monday, January 25, 2010

WPH 7026 - Motorcycle Madness

There's a first for everything - first motorcyclist to feature on this blog!

WPH 7026 - Motorcycle Madness. Not wearing a helmet, and talking on the phone with one hand. Clearly oblivious to the rules of the road and my photo-taking.

Friday, January 22, 2010

HBA 3106 - Red Proton Iswara Taxi

No surprise, the taxi drivers of Malaysia makes an appearance in this blog.

HBA 3106 - Red Proton Iswara Taxi.

Offence: Abruptly cutting me from the right as I was cruising along the middle lane. No signal and I had to hit the brakes to let this guy cut 45 degrees to the leftmost lane.

Date: January 22nd 2010 (Friday)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

AGT 1155 - the sporty silver Perodua Myvi

I haven't quite figured how I should title my posts, so I'll just stick with what I have right now.

AGT 1155 - the sporty silver Perodua Myvi. Tail-gating me at high speed as I was approaching the Batu Tiga toll. There was no reason to accelerate towards the toll, and that was what this fella was doing. Tinted car windows so I couldn't see who it was.

Anyway, he got tired of sniffing my ass and decided to take another SmartTAG lane on my left. He ended up being held back by a longer queue. I say bye bye!

Also, a special mention to Mr Chinaman Contractor With A Ponytail in JGE 4336 (silver-whitish Iswara): you inspired me to write this blog. I don't remember what you did, but I just know that you were ridiculous.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Hello world. Let me introduce myself:
1. I'm a Malaysian living in the heart of the city
2. I drive a Toyota Vios

One of my new year's resolutions for 2010 is to rid myself of bad driving habits that has been inherited on the busy streets of Kuala Lumpur. I've told myself - no more abrupt cutting of lanes/queues, tail-gating, double-parking, running the red-light & being distracted by one's phone when driving.

I've already broken my resolution twice, so I've decided to start this blog to redeem myself.

This blog is simple. Whenever I see a bad Malaysian driver on the road, I take down his license plate number & whatever other details I can capture, and they will become the Bad Malaysian Driver Of The Day (BMDOTD - pronounced berhm-dot).

I honestly have no idea how this redeems myself, but I want everyone to know that these drivers exist and they may actually be your NEIGHBOURS.

Unfortunately, this blog may last forever.